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Driving sustainable IOT innovation

Located in western Sweden as part of the Greater Oslo Region

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Innovation & Education

With close relationships to highly skilled professionals we can offer advanced lectures, add relevant industry knowledge to education material and can be a supplement to high school or university.

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Development Value

We gather experts and knowledge under the same roof, both as in-house competence and as a network in the broader market. We strive to provide innovative and advanced technical solutions and knowhow within IoT, Design, UX and digital development.



Brokering, facilitating and nurturing, partnerships, JV’s and project collaborations. Community based projects and initiatives (e.g. Help Kids to Code, Diversity in computing)

We have big plans for growth & development..

Co-working place

We have 250m² co-working space in Arvika with plans already drafted to expand to 500m². It is our central point of collaboration and it is possible for companies both in Norway and Sweden to rent space.

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Our Lab

We will have a lab space where awesome ideas and products can see the light of day. The lab will also inspire young people and students with innovation and creativity.

Local Initiatives

We are working close with local entities to assist in growth and sustainability projects. We are dedicated to transform Arvika into the digital centre in Värmland.


© 2020 Scaaler

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